Frequently Asked Questions

  • The program will cost $8,000.

  • The $8,000 covers the cost of the following expenses:

    - Denver Seminary tuition & book expenses
    - Travel expenses to the Fellows National Conference in Washington, D.C.
    - All retreat expenses here in Colorado
    - Curriculum costs (books, speaker fees, resources, etc.)
    - Food & resources for group events

  • Typically, Fellows either pay their program costs out-of-pocket, or they fundraise on the front end to cover the cost of their expenses. If you are in need of a scholarship, please contact Brandon to discuss financial aid options.

  • Nothing! The members of Greenwood Community Church have graciously offered space in their homes to house you for the duration of your program. You will live for free and interact with members of the church in their homes.

  • Yes. We are not setting you up with an internship- you will be a part-time, paid employee with a local company. The money you earn in the workplace can cover daily living expenses or other necessary financial obligations.

  • Yes. In order to successfully travel to your host home, to work, to the church, and to the mountains, a vehicle is necessary. In addition, Denver offers a light rail public transportation system that makes it easier to commute to the downtown area for volunteer/leisure events.